Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Journal Post #3


                           Chapter Three: Developing Lessons with Technologies
                                      Photo Credit: Melanie Holtsman via Flickr

Focus Question 4: How can teachers evaluate and assess their students?

Standardized testing is both a common and mandatory way to assess a student’s knowledge of the material that had been reviewed. Critics speculate standardized testing only measures a limited amount of knowledge while forcing teachers to teach the test style curriculum. Performance evaluation is another effective form of assessment based on how students can complete a specified task.


Tech Tool 3.2: Online Educational Testing Policy

The Fair Test: The National Center for Fair and Open Testing is an online source for teachers to use to keep informed about testing policies. Fair Test maintains information about testing policies including misuse of test scores, gender bias in standardized testing, disputes over testing errors amongst others.

 Chapter Summary Points

-I found it mind boggling but at the same time believable that it is estimated that over 100 million standardized tests are given to K-12 students in the U.S. each year.

-Since the No Child Left Behind Act, schools either are considered “highly performing” or “underperforming”, based on the students average test scores. High performing schools that do not show year to year improvement on test scores, which is considered very difficult, are deemed needing improvement. State education officials decided that is a very high bar for most schools to achieve and wanted different performance evaluation criteria determining school success.

-There is a debate on how electronic grading systems do not assess a student best. If a child gets a question wrong and the teacher graded it and could see the student’s misconception, they can address that with further instruction. Using a test assessment to record answers takes away the teacher’s ability to make sure students fully understand material.


Transforming Learning with New Technologies
Melanie Holtsman via Flickr


1 comment:

  1. You picked up many of the main points in the chapter - for future blog posts, you want to go beyond that and personalize them by giving more depth and your opinion/observations, etc. And you will also need to link your Flickr resource and put the book and other resources in APA citation style.

    Your thoughts about the number of standardized tests in the public schools these days is so correct - Our school's computer labs (since all of the tests are online these days) are booked about 75% of the time with one test or another. When we swing the pendulum, we really go to the extreme!!
